Because we all love cosplay when it’s done properly!
- The most amazing Simpson’s cosplay evarrr XD
- A couple build a cosplay costume of Amaterasu from Okami for their gorgeous dog Dante.
- Molly Quinn (Alexis from Castle) scores the Ultimate Win of Comic Con, by dressing up as Mal (Nathan Fillion / her dad on Castle) from Firefly.
- The most amazing Fullmetal Alchemist automail: Ed’s automail arm, Ed’s automail leg, c/o 甲冑通信 コスプレとロボット造型アイテムの製作支援と作品ギャラリー
- Bebop cosplayers, with two Spike’s an no Ed (but still!)
- Gorgeous cosplay photography. Wow.
- This girl IS Yuna from Final Fantasy X 2. She just IS.
- The cosplay that wins all other cosplays: Chibi Winry. Eeeeeee! *flails*