This here be a blog.
Because, what the interwebs needs is another blog. It’s not like there isn’t enough of them already or anything.
While this site is a general showcase of my work to accompany my business (Equivalent Exchange), and to make my resume look spiffy, the bloggy-part of it will probably be link roundups of geeky stuff. There’s a lot of crap out there, but there’s also a lot of gold, and quite often I want to refer back to a link I found months ago. Facebook feed doesn’t quite cut it.
Without further ado, the links I found today.
- How to fix any computer, by theoatmeal. Oh, I <3 you.
- Ben the Bodyguard, possibly one of the most awesome websites I’ve ever seen. Yes I know, this site is old news. Yes, I only found out about it today. Sorry, interweb gods.
If you hit the page and wonder WTF, just scroll down. If you are viewing the site in IE7 or lower and wonder WTF, step away from the computer, find a mirror and think about what you’ve done. - C/o the office receptionist, Huili County Government officials star in world’s worst Photoshopped picture. Cue the lols.
- A Brief History of the Wiener Dog. I don’t care what it’s for – it’s puppies, and it’s Star Wars. Of course it’ll make my list.
- Possibly the most bodacious t-shirt ever created, go view / drool / purchase A Most Excellent Adventure. Bill and Ted / Doctor Who crossover – it had to happen.
- My Little Serenity. Ponies / Firefly crossover. Mal-Pony is adorabubble. As is Jayne. And River. And everyone else. But particularly Mal.